Mansur Ali Jisan

Mansur Ali Jisan

Physical Scientist

National Ocean Service

I am a Physical Scientist (Lynker) at NOAA’s National Ocean Service. My work focuses on the development of coastal ocean models and workflow automation, with an emphasis on the Unified Forecast System (UFS) for coastal applications and the Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System (STOFS). I specialize in integrating numerical models, optimizing high-performance computing applications, and improving operational forecasting capabilities for coastal resilience and hazard prediction

Previously, I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography, where I was advised by Dr. Isaac Ginis in the Hurricane Research Group. My research focused on understanding how land roughness influences hurricane wind structure during landfall. As part of my doctoral work, I developed a physics-based, 3D Hurricane Boundary Layer (HBL) wind model to simulate these effects, contributing to improved predictions of hurricane impacts on coastal communities. My dissertation, Development and Application of a Hurricane Boundary Layer Wind Model for Landfalling Hurricanes, is available here.

  • HBL Simulation of Hurricane Michael (2018): View here
  • HBL Simulation of Hurricane Irma (2017): View here
  • HBL Simulation of Hurricane Florence (2018): View here
  • Land Roughness Impact on Hurricane Wind Structure Evolution: View here
  • Hurricane Structure and Dynamics
  • Hurricane Boundary Layer
  • Surface roughness impact on hurricanes
  • Air-Sea Interaction
  • Storm Surge and Inundation
  • Sea Level Rise and its Impact
  • High Performance Computing
  • PhD in Oceanography, 2024

    University of Rhode Island, RI

  • MSc in Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies, 2017

    Coastal Carolina University, SC

  • BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2013

    Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh


National Ocean Service, NOAA
Physical Scientist (Lynker)
Apr 2024 – Present Silver Spring, MD
  • Develop and evaluate the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) based coupling infrastructure for NOAA's Unified Forecast System (UFS) Coastal Application, ensuring robust coupling of wave, surge, and atmospheric components.
  • Implement ecFlow and Unified Workflow (UW) tools to create a configuration-based automated workflow system for the UFS-Coastal application.
  • Update and unify workflow systems for the Storm Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System (STOFS) 3D-Atlantic and 2D-Global forecasts, utilizing ecFlow and configuration-based workflows following NCEP Central Operations (NCO) guidelines.
  • Maintain and enhance the Python packages used in NOAA's operational forecast systems (e.g., pySCHISM, NEMSpy).
  • Work closely with academic partners, software engineers, oceanographers, and HPC specialists at NOAA to enhance forecast accuracy for coastal communities.
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island.
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant
May 2018 – Present Rhode Island
  • Developed a high-resolution (~500m) 3D hurricane boundary layer model to investigate the impact of land roughness on the wind structure of landfalling hurricanes.
  • Designed and implemented a highly configurable hurricane vortex generation software, leveraging NHC Best Track data, to provide initial and boundary conditions in the boundary layer model.
  • Developed Python and NCL-based codes to process and compare Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) surface wind measurements with hurricane model simulations, enhancing model validation capabilities.
  • Developed a parallel post-processing system using Python's Dask and Matplotlib libraries to efficiently analyze large gridded model outputs.-
Coastal Carolina University, SC
Graduate Assistant
Aug 2015 – Jul 2017 South Carolina
  • Developed a coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave modeling system (WRF, ROMS, SWAN) using ESMF for coastal hazard analysis
  • Applied Delft3D model to simulate storm surge and inundation for coastal Bangladesh, addressing sea level rise impacts
  • Implemented a coastal storm surge and inundation forecast system to improve South Carolina's resilience
Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh.
Research Assistant
Dec 2013 – Aug 2015 Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Present and Future Scenario of Storm Surge and Inundation in Coastal Bangladesh.
  • Evaluating the efficiency of coastal polders using Delft3D hydrodynamic model.


(2021). Modeling the Extreme Weather Events in Southern New England . In 2021 URI Science & Engineering Fellows Symposium.

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(2021). Application of a Hurricane Boundary Layer Model for Improved Surface Wind Forecast. In AMS 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology.

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(2020). Modeling Increased Impacts of Nor’easters Due to Sea Level Rise in Coastal New England Parks. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020.

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(2018). Ensemble projection of the sea level rise impact on storm surge and inundation at the coast of Bangladesh. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18(1), 351-364.

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(2018). Hurricane Matthew (2016) and its impact under global warming scenarios. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 4, 97-109.


(2017). Hurricane Matthew (2016) and its Storm Surge Inundation under Global Warming Scenarios: Application of an Interactively Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA..

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(2017). Impact of Meteorological Forcing on Storm Surge & Inundation in Coastal Bangladesh: A Comparison between Holland's Analytical Model and a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model. In 97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2017.

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(2016). Investigating Tropical Cyclones and its related Storm Surge & Inundation in Coastal Bangladesh using a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA..

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(2015). Present and Future Scenario of Storm Surge and Inundation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Bangladesh. In 23rd Biennial Conference of Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF), Portland, OR.

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(2015). Sundarban as a Buffer against Storm Surge Flooding. World Journal of Engineering and Technology.


(2015). Storm Surge Flooding in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta: Present and Future Scenarios.. In 36th IAHR World Congress Portland, The Hague, the Netherlands.

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